North Central Chapter, Health Physics Society
Minutes of the Business Meeting October 25, 2002
3M Tartan Park
Lake Elmo, MN

Called to order at 12:45 p.m. by Greg Smith, NCCHPS President.
Note: A copy of the business meeting agenda can be found at the end of this report.

  1. The Chapter recognized and thanked the vendors who sponsored the Spring Meeting:
    * Mr. Tom Chwierut of ICN
    * Nelson Chiu of Thermo Electron
    * F & J Specialty Products who sent literature
  2. The Spring Meeting minutes from April 5, 2002, were distributed by e-mail and posted on the website. Copies of the minutes were also available at the meeting. The minutes were accepted with one minor correction.
  3. The secretary/treasurer's report was presented.
    As of October 24, 2002:
    Checking: $3,678.81
    Money Market Fund: $14,583.82
    Total NCCHPS Funds: $18,262.63
    Membership Data:
    111 Full Members (6 New members since last fall)
    13 Emeritus Members
    1 Student Member
    19 Affiliate Members (1 New member since last fall)
    100% of the members have paid 2002 dues
  4. One new affiliate was approved since last spring raising the affiliate count to 19. Nelson Chiu, Thermo Electron, spoke briefly about the acquisition and merger of Saint Gobain into Thermo Electron. The complete Affiliate Member Report is on file with the secretary/treasurer.
  5. Greg Smith presented the executive council meeting report. There were no by-law changes.
  6. The executive council approved six new individual memberships and one affiliate memberships received in the last six months. The new members are; Christopher Kessler, Marshfield Clinic, Andrea Little, U of M, James McCloskey, Minnesota DPS, David Paulu, U of M, Cheryl Rogers, Wisconsin DHFS and Glenn Sturchio, Mayo Clinic. The new affiliate is Technical Associates.
  7. John Cameron and Chuck Roessler were recognized and congratulated for winning the Fellows and Founders Awards respectively.
  8. The spring meeting was granted four Continuing Education Credits under Course No. 2002-04-001 by the ABHP. Brian Vetter will apply for fall meeting credits.
  9. The Chapter recognized the Spring Meeting hosts; 3M Corporate Health Physics.

Old Business

  1. Louis C. Grosberg of Apollo High School, St. Cloud, MN. received our Science Teacher award. A $500.00 check will also be presented to the Apollo High School science department. Mr. Grosberg will be invited to speak at our spring meeting. His name will be submitted to the National HPS for the National Award. Irene Patrek discussed the selection process and the need for us to find nominees. Only two nominees were submitted this year. Science Teacher Workshops are proceeding. Contact with local science teacher organizations have improved. Clark Erickson of the Minnesota Science Teacher Association is our final speaker.
  2. Ken Kerns, who could not make the meeting, will provide a homeland security update at the spring meeting. A request was submitted to place homeland security updates onto the website. This request will be explored and initiated if possible.

New Business

  1. The executive council is supporting the nomination of Richard Vetter for a Founders award. Gen Roessler will provide the write up and the council will forward the nomination to national.
  2. Our new President, Brian Vetter, and new councilors Jeff Brunette and Tim Donakowski were installed.
  3. Br. Jerome Rademacher was presented the chapter award for 2002. His dedication to teaching and expanding of good Health Physics practices were cited. He received a certificate and congratulations from the membership.
  4. The 2003 spring meeting will be held in Ames, IA.
  5. Greg discussed nominations for chapter and national offices and the need for us to step forward for these types of duties.

Other Business

  1. Jan Braun addressed the membership regarding hosting the national convention again in either 2008, 09 or 10. An Ad Hoc committee of Jan, Anne Harri and Dan McGrane will look into possible locations other than Minneapolis.
  2. Greg's State of the Chapter pointed out our healthy financial situation our need to improve membership and the lack of member involvement in offices and standing committees. He spoke about having a large membership and only a few active members. He asked that we all become more involved, not only at the chapter level but also at the national level.

The meeting adjourned at 1:30 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Daniel J. McGrane, NCCHPS Secretary/Treasurer


NCCHPS Fall 2002 Business Meeting
25 October 2002

1. Call to order
2. Approve agenda
3. Review minutes of 05 April 2002 meeting.
4. Secretary/Treasurer Report
5. Affiliate Coordinator Report
6. Executive Council Meeting Report
7. Recognize any new members present
8. Recognition of HPS award recipients.
9. CEC update: NCCHPS Spring 2002 Meeting, 4 CECs, course 2002-04-001
10. Fall Meeting details, vendors

Old Business

1. Science & Education Committee update
2. Homeland Security Committee update

New Business

1. Teacher workshop
2. NCCHPS committee assignments
3. Chapter Award
4. Spring meeting location
5. Nominations for Chapter officers
6. Other
7. State of the Chapter